O autorze

Dorota Protasewicz
I’ve been surrounded by aquariums since childhood. I set up my first tank with my dad's support when I was 5 years old. My life partner and the father of our two wonderful sons is also an aquarist - Marek.
About 10 years ago, it was Marek who brought home the first marine aquarium. Only a 400-liter tank made me fall in love with the saltwater hobby and I took up building, setting up and running marine aquariums professionally, running my company - Crazy Coral
I also take care of distribution of Reef Factory smart aquarium devices to Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. By trade, I’m a molecular biologist, which enabled me to conduct research on the effects of stress on corals. I cooperate with the Morski Instytut Rybacki (Sea Fisheries Institute) in Gdynia and the University of Gdańsk. I was also the manager of an EU research project on coral farming in inland aquaculture. Currently, together with the Polish Academy of Sciences, I am continuing this research at Crazy Coral. I hope to grow more stress-resistant corals that will allow us to rebuild damaged reefs.
I love combining professional work with my greatest hobby and working with people with the same interests.
Coral Feeding
Well-nourished corals have thick tissue, lots of zooxanthellae and grow...
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