
Welcome to ReefPedia!
Reefpedia is a source of knowledge about marine aquaristics. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced reefer, this is the place where you’ll surely find content helpful in expanding your skills 🙂

The articles we publish here are written by industry experts. It’s important to us that the content is presented in an accessible way and written in simple, straightforward language, so that it’s as easy as possible for you to absorb our tips.

We plan to dynamically develop our materials and publish new ones, so we encourage you to pop in here regularly!

Soon ReefPedia will be integrated with the world’s first social platform created for marine aquarists – Social Reef. That’s where you’ll find threads dedicated to each topic and be able to join a discussion. Links to specific discussions will be included in the respective articles.

People who write articles do it out of passion for aquaristics and willingness to share their knowledge. When you find an error in the text, we will be grateful if you let us know at:

ReefPedia – the complete knowledge base for saltwater aquarists.