
The impact of temperature changes on the metabolism of marine species

Temperature changes in water significantly affect the functioning of marine organisms, especially their metabolism. Metabolism is a collection of life processes that enable growth, reproduction, and the acquisition and processing of energy by organisms. The right water temperature is crucial for maintaining optimal metabolism in marine ecosystems.

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The impact of temperature on salinity in marine aquariums

Understanding the relationship between temperature and water salinity in marine aquariums is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment for marine fauna and flora. This knowledge helps to better manage the living conditions in the aquarium, which translates into the health and growth of the aquarium’s inhabitants.

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How to culture phytoplankton?

Growing your own phytoplankton is the best solution. It lets you feed your aquarium inhabitants with highly nutritious food regularly, without needing to buy live phytoplankton from stores all the time.

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On the marine aquaristics market, reefers are often guided by the wattage when trying to choose the right light for their tank.

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