
Tin in a saltwater aquarium and its importance

The presence of tin in saltwater can pose a threat to marine organisms, especially when it occurs in combination with organic compounds. The effects of its toxic action can be fatal for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Learn more about tin in this article.

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Copper in a saltwater aquarium and its significance

Copper is commonly considered a harmful substance, but the truth is more complex in the world of saltwater aquariums. Not everyone knows that maintaining the right level of this element can have a positive impact on marine life. Learn more about copper in this article.

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Nitrogen cycle disorders - impact of water chemistry

Nitrogen cycle disorders – impact of water chemistry

In this article, you will learn more about disruptions to the nitrogen cycle due to water chemistry, which has a direct impact on the proper functioning of the nitrogen cycle and serves many important functions in the nitrogen cycle. What are these functions? Go ahead and have a read!

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