
Meeting regarding the opening of Hawaiian aquarium fisheries

The Hawaiian aquarium fishing industry, which for many years supplied beautiful and exotic fish species to marine aquariums worldwide, faced significant legal and ecological challenges. In 2021, a court order mandated the closure of fisheries to conduct an environmental review aimed at assessing the impact of fish harvesting on local marine ecosystems, especially coral reefs. This order was issued in response to concerns that overfishing could threaten the marine ecosystem in Hawaii.

The aquarium fishing industry in Hawaii plays a significant role both in the local economy and the global aquaristic market. Hawaiian coral reefs are home to many unique fish species, such as the commonly known Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), which is one of the most sought-after species in marine aquaristics. The harvested fish are sent to aquariums around the world, where they are prized for their exotic beauty and unique behavior.

The closure of the fisheries caused severe consequences for local fishermen and the aquaristic industry. Many people lost their source of income, and the availability of popular marine fish species significantly decreased, impacting the global market and causing a noticeable rise in prices. Additionally, this break allowed scientists to thoroughly examine the impact of reef fish harvesting on ecosystems and propose new, more balanced methods of managing these resources.

After several years of analysis and research, the Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) developed a proposal that assumes the reopening of fisheries, but under strictly controlled conditions. The proposal includes issuing permits for the limited catch of certain fish species and introducing individual catch limits, ensuring that the exploitation of marine resources is balanced and does not harm local fish populations or coral reefs.

The final decision-making meeting of the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) on the reopening of aquarium fish fisheries in the Hawaiian region will take place on August 23, 2024. Therefore, it is important that we, as marine aquarists, express our acceptance of balanced reef fish harvesting to persuade the BLNR in Hawaii to lift the imposed ban.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the documentation.
  2. Express your opinion.
    • Send your opinion supporting the opening of aquarium fisheries in Hawaiian waters. Of course, you can also add your own thoughts on this matter.
    • Email address:
    • Subject of the message: Agenda Item F1 Support
    • Message content: I support opening the aquarium fishery and managing resources by science provided by DAR.
      NOTE: Send the message before August 22, 2024, so your opinion is considered before the debate begins.

You can also participate in the debate online. To follow the progress of the meeting, visit
The proceedings will begin on 08/23/2024 at 09:00 Hawaiian time.

The decision to reopen the fisheries will have a huge impact on the local economy as well as the global aquaristic industry. Your support will help ensure that this process is carried out responsibly, benefiting both the natural environment and the local population dependent on this industry.

About the author

Picture of Grzegorz Bubak

Grzegorz Bubak

My fascination with marine aquariums began over two decades ago when I stumbled upon an article about this topic in a magazine. Since then, the underwater world has become my obsession and passion, shaping my everyday life. I started my adventure with marine aquariums with soft corals, which were my first step into this fascinating world. Over time, captivated by the diversity and beauty of SPS corals, I decided to focus on their cultivation, which continues to fill me with constant wonder.

Thanks to my experience and passion for marine aquariums, I am ready to share my knowledge and expertise with other enthusiasts in this field. I am happy to be part of the Reef Pedia community, which serves as an invaluable source of information for all marine aquarium lovers.