
Trace elements and their dynamics in a marine aquarium

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Are you wondering how it’s possible that ICP-OES results indicate many excesses of trace elements and pollutants, yet your corals still polyp and look healthy? From a top-down perspective, there could be three reasons for such a situation:

  • Improper water sampling for ICP-OES analysis;
  • Error in the ICP-OES analysis;
  • Gaps in knowledge about the interdependencies in water chemistry.

1. Improper water sampling for ICP-OES analysis 

Proper sampling of seawater or RO/DI is crucial for accurate analysis. Incorrectly sampled water can later affect the discrepancies in results – the ICP report will then not reflect the actual state of your tank. Often, samples that reach the laboratory can cause an unnecessary “alarm” in a marine aquarist’s tank. To eliminate this cause, read the article on proper water sampling for ICP testing.

2. Error in ICP-OES analysis 

A lab technician is also human and can make mistakes, which is important to keep in mind. Additionally, ICP is a machine that can become miscalibrated. In both cases, an aquarist might receive an incorrect result for their sample.

In our industry, such risk is small because the awareness of the consequences of a bad result for marine animals among technicians is high. Precision and accuracy are paramount. Our laboratory, Reef Factory LAB, is always ready to assist with any questions or doubts; we are available on WhatsApp, just scan the QR code and write to us:

3. Gaps in knowledge about the interdependencies in water 

Chemistry Water chemistry is closely tied to chemical and biological dependencies. Understanding these is crucial for properly managing a reef tank. Knowledge about the interdependencies in water chemistry and biology is key, which is why in this article, you will learn more about dynamic elements that can cause quite a stir in a marine aquarium.

What are dynamic elements? 

In marine aquarium keeping, elements referred to as “dynamic” are known for their active involvement in numerous biological and chemical processes occurring in the aquarium and their variability over time. In summary, dynamic elements are characterized primarily by:

  • the variability of their levels in the water,
  • continuous interaction with organisms,
  • continuous interaction with other water components. 

TOP 5 trace elements: Dynamic elements in your aquarium

Zinc, nickel, vanadium, copper, and molybdenum belong to the group of trace elements that are often interconnected. The main reason for this is the biological and biochemical processes in which they participate. Understanding their mutual relationships is important for assessing potential interactions between them. In the article, I will focus on these five dynamic elements:

It is important to remember that although these elements are interconnected and belong to the group of dynamic elements, each also plays unique roles in marine aquarium keeping.

Common characteristics of dynamic elements?

Chemically, dynamic elements such as zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), vanadium (V), copper (Cu), and molybdenum (Mo) share several features that make them important in biological and biochemical processes. Here are the key similarities:

  • Their chemical properties are similar enough that they compete for the same binding sites in proteins and enzymes.
  • Most of them act as enzyme cofactors, meaning they are essential for catalyzing biochemical reactions. For example, molybdenum is a key cofactor in enzymes involved in the nitrogen cycle.
  • They act antagonistically towards each other. For example, an appropriate level of zinc can antagonize the toxicity of copper, providing protection to marine organisms.
  • They participate in redox reactions, which are electron transfer processes crucial in cellular metabolism.

Processes in which dynamic elements participate


  • Redox: Zinc is not a typical redox element. It aids in regulating redox in aquatic organisms.
  • Complexation: Zinc forms complexes with various ligands, both organic and inorganic, which affects its bioavailability in water. The complexation of zinc can also influence its toxicity and interactions with other elements, such as copper and cadmium.
  • Detoxification: Zinc is also involved in the detoxification processes of heavy metals by binding them into less toxic forms.


  • Redox: Nickel in aquatic environments does not easily change its oxidation state. However, nickel can influence the redox reactions of other elements, particularly in the presence of organic compounds.
  • Complexation: The complexation of nickel affects its bioavailability and mobility in the aquatic environment. Nickel complexes can also influence its toxicity and interactions with other metals, such as iron and copper.
  • Detoxification: Nickel is particularly significant in reactions related to nitrogen metabolism.


  • Redox: Vanadium participates in redox reactions, which can affect the oxidation states of other elements and their availability.
  • Complexation: Like other metals, vanadium can form complexes with various ligands, affecting the bioavailability of other elements.
  • Detoxification: High concentrations of vanadium can engage detoxification mechanisms in organisms.


  • Redox: In seawater, various oxidation states of copper can affect the oxidation states of other elements such as iron and manganese.

  • Complexation: Copper has the ability to form complexes with both organic and inorganic ligands, which affects its bioavailability in water. Copper complexes can change its mobility and availability to aquatic organisms.

  • Detoxification: Helps in neutralizing reactive oxygen species and other toxic substances. A deficiency in copper can lead to detoxification issues.


  • Redoks: Molibden jest kluczowym składnikiem enzymów redoks,  które uczestniczą w reakcjach metabolicznych, takich jak redukcja azotanów i siarczanów. 
  • Kompleksowanie: Molibden ma zdolność tworzenia kompleksów z różnymi ligandami, zarówno organicznymi, jak i nieorganicznymi. Reakcja kompleksowania  wpływa na dostępność innych pierwiastków, takich jak żelazo, mangan czy miedź, poprzez zmiany w chemii wody.
  • Detoksykacja: Molibden jest niezbędnym mikroelementem w wielu procesach enzymatycznych, które pomagają organizmom wodnym w detoksykacji szkodliwych substancji.

Examples of dependencies between dynamic elements


Impact on other elements

⬆️ ZINC (Zn)

  • Excess zinc can reduce the availability of copper, which can lead to copper deficiencies.

  • It can interact with other elements such as copper, cadmium, and lead, affecting their bioavailability and toxicity.

  • It competes with other metals for binding sites in organisms, which can impact metabolic balance and the health of organisms.

⬆️ NICKEL (Ni)

  • Nickel can compete with other metals such as zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and cadmium (Cd) for binding sites on enzymes and proteins.

  • High concentrations of nickel can affect the toxicity of other heavy metals. For example, if there is also a lot of copper in the water, the presence of nickel can intensify its toxicity.


  • Elevated levels of vanadium can affect the metabolism of zinc. Both elements can compete with each other for binding sites on enzymes and proteins.
  • High levels of vanadium can lead to reduced bioavailability of copper by precipitating it in the form of insoluble compounds.

⬆️COPPER   (Cu)

  • Excess copper can reduce the bioavailability of zinc and iron, which can lead to deficiencies of these elements in aquatic organisms.


  • Excess molybdenum can affect the availability of copper and iron.


In summary, ICP-OES results may indicate the exceedance of norms for trace elements and pollutants, even though the corals in the aquarium appear healthy. The article discussed the role of dynamic elements such as zinc, nickel, vanadium, copper, and molybdenum, as well as their interactions with each other. Understanding these relationships is crucial for maintaining a healthy and balanced environment in a marine aquarium.

About author

Picture of Magdalena Metzler

Magdalena Metzler

Privately, I am a mother and a lover of nature and sport. My main interest is quantum chemistry, which hides a whole lot of unsolved mysteries and connections, which is extremely exciting from a scientific point of view.
In my scientific career, I have conducted international projects focused on innovative solutions for many branches of business, e.g. automotive, construction, and now, of course, marine aquaristics.
Working at Reef Factory gave me a passion for marine aquaristics, which I can develop every day, building a chemistry department and creating products that will help aquarists take care of tanks and ensure the highest safety of animals. One of the most exciting memories of working at Reef Factory is the commissioning of the ICP-OES spectrometer, which analyzes the elemental composition of seawater. The method of analysis in ICP is based on an analytical technique, which is a combination of my passion for quantum chemistry and marine aquaristics.
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