
Restoration of oyster reefs in Australia

After over a century of flat oyster reefs being extinct along the Adelaide coastline in Australia, they have been successfully restored, bringing hope for the future of marine ecosystems. Research by scientists from the University of Adelaide showed that the ecological recovery happened within just two and a half years of building the reef. Dr. Dominic McAfee emphasizes that this success proves that even highly degraded marine systems can quickly regenerate through effective restoration efforts.

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Robots and Artificial Intelligence in coral reef restoration

Coral reefs worldwide are facing serious threats due to global warming, but new, promising methods for supporting their restoration are emerging. The use of artificial intelligence and robotics opens up innovative possibilities in the field of conservation and regeneration of these delicate ecosystems. These modern technologies could revolutionize the methods of coral reef restoration.

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Is it worth doing water changes?

Water changes in a saltwater aquarium are a key way to maintain a healthy, aesthetically pleasing environment for corals, fish, and other inhabitants. Regular water changes bring a variety of benefits that are worth considering more closely.

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