
The impact of seaweed on corals

Recent studies indicate that continued CO2 emissions could lead to the extinction of key coral species by 2100, with invasive brown algae becoming one of the major threats to coral reefs. Scientists emphasize that the only solution to protect these marine ecosystems is the urgent need to reduce global carbon dioxide emissions.

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Ataúro Island with a record number of reef fish species

Discoveries from Ataúro Island in East Timor indicate the highest average diversity of reef fish species in the world, a result of global research conducted by Conservation International. This study, covering 10 locations, revealed that these reefs are home to an average of 253 fish species per site, emphasizing the importance of protecting these unique marine ecosystems.

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British coral reefs

Coral reefs are often associated with warm, exotic locations, but did you know they also exist in the colder waters around Great Britain? Scientists are working on innovative methods to adapt corals to the changing climate conditions of the seas and oceans, which may help them survive rising temperatures. One interesting discovery is “coral memory,” which might assist reefs in better adapting to new environmental conditions.

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Robots and Artificial Intelligence in coral reef restoration

Coral reefs worldwide are facing serious threats due to global warming, but new, promising methods for supporting their restoration are emerging. The use of artificial intelligence and robotics opens up innovative possibilities in the field of conservation and regeneration of these delicate ecosystems. These modern technologies could revolutionize the methods of coral reef restoration.

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The Whale Vocalizations

Baleen whales, also known as mysticetes, make sounds using a specialized larynx that allows them to produce at least two different sounds simultaneously, but unfortunately, it does not protect them from the effects of human-generated noise.

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